Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And All That Jazz

well, there it is. as cliche'd and overused a title as you could ask for.
though it is, as my ancestors from the United Kingdom might say, 'spot on'.
this piece is about jazz.

in my last piece on the terrible stereotypes of evangelicalism, I signed off with a confession. I am Matthew Smith, and I listen to AC/DC. well, that much is true. I love AC/DC for how they took some Gibsons and some Gretchs, 3 chords and many, many decibels and made simplicity into high art. and though there are many other rock-n-roll bands that I have listened to more of (Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Ozzy and all his legendary axemen, Metallica--maybe they're metal more than r-n-r--and many, many others), I have long loved the power that their AC/DC's bi-curious or schizophrenic current yields. Its loud, its proud (arrogant, rather), its rough and tumble, its scented with Fosters, its simple. you know, rock-n-roll.

Jazz, on the other hand...

and now for my latest confession: I am a jazz addict.

there are most certainly better and worse things to be addicted to. and btw, everyone's addicted to something. (that's for another piece). though jazz is certainly my favorite addiction in a long while.

I am a musician. And soon after becoming a musician, I became a guitarist, hence my great love for King Edward and company.

though technically, before I played guitar, at least as far as formal training goes, I played the ole' sax-a-mo-phone! I was entranced by its timbre, its breathy nuance, its, well, sex appeal. maybe the word sexiness says it better. maybe I should stop with the sex/sax idea completely, and move on. here we go...

jazz got me then, but barely, and what I thought was jazz was is actual fact, not. Clarence Clemmons could flat out throw down on the tenor. (listen to I'm Goin' Down, off of Born in the USA). but CC is not jazz. at least when he is with da boss--The Boss--its not jazz. maybe jazzy, and mos def good, not jazz in the jazz sense.

we take exceptional journeys through life, and one dot connects to another. I moved to Homewood with my father, Smithy, in 1987. the zennith of 80's rock had come and gone. and though we still have the hangover from the 80's, and always will, I was about two years too late. I was enrolled in Homewood hig School for approximatley 1 day! I transferred to Gardendale high School, alma mater and home of my dear Gardendale Rockets! though why the shift? Homewood was, by all accounts, my accounts, at the time, 'cooler'. It had everything to do and see in, around, and near Birmingham. again, why?

Gardendale High School had jazz band!!! yes, I am sure Homewood did, and definitely does now. The Patriot band has been cross country playing their marching music.
but I found out that I could play my guitar in the jazz band at Garndendale. at least in the 'B' jazz band. that deal was done.

though in a choice (dot) that's explination (connection) will be explained next time, I ended up in the 'A' jazz band. And I played sax.

peace out ya'll,

Friday, October 24, 2008

A Bloggin' For Da Noggin'

I believe some of the more critical elements to a successful blog are consistency, interest, and consistency. For one to develop a readership, one must be faithful to said readership. Keep updates coming. The updates should, ideally, be fresh and pertinent. Though there must be updates.

In the search to supply my blog with a more blog-oriented topic, I am introducing one, specific topic for the day. One that has been on my mind. The topic that fuels my need to vent and express the

So here it is...

I hope to lead a charge, or take part in a rally to the cause, to help people understand what 'evangelical' means, or more to the point, what 'evangelical Christianity is'. This could take a while, though it is centrally important to what the faithful, believing, Christian community is called to my opinion.

I may need to start with what I am fairly sure Evangelical Christianity is not. Yes, let's do that.

Evangelical Christianity is not a political group. So often I hear what the 'evangelicals' think, like what the Republicans think (a dangerous synonym for many) or what the Libertarians think, or what Red Sox fans think, or what 'fill in the blank' thinks.

Evangelical Christianity is not the religious right. Not exclusively, no way. It is not a group or organization or family where every member is a James Dobson supporter! NO WAY!

Evangelical Christianity is not a watch group to flag and boycott movies that may be based on a book that presents a fictional story based on the life of Jesus.

And evangelical Christianity is not an organization that threatens to take away one's faith if one does not forward the proper email the correct amount of times while uttering the prescribed prayer that goes with it.

Many people--those who believe they are 'evangelicals' and those who feel outside that group--erroneously believe that if someone claims they are Christian ('professes' they re Christian we might say), that person is pro-war, pro-life (how 'pro-life' can 'pro-war' be?), anti-gay, tee-totaling, NRA member and yes, a Republican.

Well, I am not all those things. I may believe in many of those things to varying degrees, though not wholly or without qualification. I believe in life, fully! Though is believing that abortion is wrong and believing that all abortions--no matter what--should be illegal the same thing? Adultery is wrong. I believe it is wrong. Is it illegal? Should there be a law against it? Drinking is not wrong, nor is it unbiblical. Drinking too much is wrong, and dangerous. I believe it is wrong. Is it illegal? Should it be? Hating another human is wrong. Is it illegal? Using words to convey that hate is wrong? Are those words illegal? Should we vote and lobby for Supreme Court justices that will make and then keep it illegal? You get my drift?

I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat either. I believe in many things, and I think many things are bad, wrong, and yes, possibly evil. Though I am here to tell you that evil is a difficult concept, and many things I hear those publicly professed evangelicals call evil are not evil.

For example, I am sure somewhere at sometime Jerry Falwell has said that rock-n-roll is evil. No, sir, rock-n-roll is benign, like capitalism or guns. If bad people get a hold of it, well, it can certainly be an evil combination.

Conservative thought or a dislike of all things progressive does not have a monopoly on faith. Despite what you may hear in some church, yes, probably in the south, we are not all the same.

The danger in this for believers is that such misunderstanding--no matter who is repsonsible for it--is nothing if not counter-productive. More than counter-productive, it is damagin. It's more than shooting yourself in the foot, its like someone else shooting you in the foot! And whether you are NRA or not, that sux.

To be evangelical, to me, means to believe in the power of the gospel that is Jesus Christ. And, to be evangelical is to share that. It is not a license to judge. It is power to love.

My name is Matthew Smith, and I listen to AC/DC. Amen.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Latest, Greatest, Tabula Rasa

so here we go dear readership! yes, I have made a change or two. hmmmm, maybe just the one. well, one so far. hence, the tabula rasa in the title--the Latin phrase which I love and loosely means clean slate, fresh start, new beginning. this kind of thing is quite important from time to time for everyone. it is a very, very biblical notion. particularly, re-newness and re-inventing is an idea that Jesus champions throughout the gospel. And so I now join Jesus in the championing!

I have always held a strange love for both new and old, contemporary and traditional, modern and classic.

studies, statistics, analysis, and all that jazz show and say that most people, if not nearly everyone, are drawn to new things. the search for newness has been the prompting for so many inventions, revolutions, revelations, and beauty. including the aforementioned jazz.

and all the while, human experience and history dictates that most people, if not nearly everyone, are terrified of change. fear of change has been the driving force for much hatred, despicable acts, and barriers to progress. and while not all progress is good progress, progress is generally needed.

I had a feeling today. si, si, we all have many feelings every day. though I had a particularly frustrating feeling today. I failed AGAIN on my dietary goals yesterday, fell asleep on the couch without getting the animales their dinners ('suppers' if your in or from Alabama). now I did fall asleep watching a good, scary movie (The Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp, a Roman Polanski joint) surrounded by some beautiful creatures: Scarlett on my right side, nestled/snuggled by my arms on the reclined couch, Trixter on the other couch in her spot, and MA sacked out to my left--the side nearest my heart, though at a safe is not a good idea to crowd or cramp her during sleepy time.

Though I woke up again at aroudn 3, shuffled off to the bedroom, with one of the pups, pried my contacts out of my eyes, brushed the TERRIBLE taste I get from 'mouth breathing' while I slept and rested for the next few hours. hoping to rise at 6, or 6-ish, make my morning routine journey, and then attend a very cool sounding summit from our North Alabama Conference. It was FRom Wall Street to Main Street to Church Street. this was a gathering from our top economics and finance gurus within the conference to deal with the worsening, seemingly, economic and financial shape of things. I was almost stoked- it has to be something good or real to get me stoked.

I woke up, early! Then I woke up again, on time. And then, as I am prone to do often, I woke up...late.

I pondered going late, half way through, other options. I fed the dogs--they were quite hungry after all! I cleaned up the previous night's "Farnsworth Surprise", several of them, actually and gathered some clothes together.

I was unsure up the road and back. Decided again' it! I would just make my stops, check the electronic world (a near impossibility where I currently reside), get my coffee on--actually, today, I got my coffee and Halloween cookie on!

While surfing/studying/writing/reading--yes, I typically do all of those while in the electronic environment--I discovered that my conference started at 10am! I wasnt too first. I read this at 9:45am!!! My scatter-brained scattered brain foiled me again!

And so I spent the next hour or so, driving, thinking, being frustrated--by myself!

I did end up purchasing a new Moleskin [clue]. With a new Moleskin, and a new determination to write and journal myself into an organized, productive, creative, prosperous state of being, I had to have a new pen. Nothing short of a nice, new, Dr Grip would do.

and so I now am giving these thoughts and frustrations to this digital community. I may be journaling more than I am blogging. Though I am writing. Whatever the cause, the style, the medium or the genre, I am writing.

And that has to be a good thing. revoir...

Friday, October 17, 2008

A New Day, A New Post

greetings, inquiring minds, rockers, hip-hoppers, and people of the Red Sox Nation...and everyone else!

well, it happened again. what a nigth. the miraculous comeback, in large part due to the monster bat of one Senor "Big Papi" David Ortiz, those Red Sox come from seven runs down, and won a must-win game--in regulation, 9 innings! it was so very thrilling.

I was sorely tempted to turn the tube off. generally, I want to do this more and more, and I honeslty believe that turning one's t.v. off is one of the best things one can do for one's life...and the world...and the universe as far as that goes. though, as long as there is baseball in October I will have a t.v., and a healthy dose of superstition and good luck practices. in 2004, during the unbelievable triumph over the Yankees, I watched each game, from the same place and enjoyed the same meal--my den on Oneonta (though technically Lester Memorial's den) and a delicious feta, maybe goat, cheese and onion zah. that would be 'pete's zah'. what can I say, it worked!

this year, it was Farnsworth. the little-big-man, doggy dog. black as midnight, sweet as sugar. he rarely comes upstairs. that is Trixie and Scarlett's turf. F-bomb is typically not behaved well enough to hang in the main audience chamber. though last night, MA went to bed a little early (having to work Friday night). I sat finishing my lovely journey through Eric Clapton's life, through his autobiography, Clapton and waiting to begin my newliterary journey into God's Politics, by Jim Wallis all the while trying to get caught up with CS Lewis' Mere Christianity. these great works are what I should really be writing about, though I still feel the rush from seeing Papi, JD Drew, et al CRUSH some fast balls or'e the short porch in Fenway. btw, Fenway may well be the next pilgremedge for me and MA. its there or Wrigley, we'll see. I am now offically addicted to travel and seeing the world through amazing cities and skies, and country-sides and yes, stadiums.

so while my pen is ready to flow, I seem to be unable to narrow down a particularly prolific topic. I could compose a letter to Joe the Plumber. I could tell of my narrow scrape with Cullman County court system. I have to clear my name, quick and request another court date after having missed mine! just be sure you all have your current proof of insurance if you are driving around in Alabama.

there are some thoughts forming, some good hot written tea a brewin'. this election is nearing. quite a lot to think about--and write about--there. maybe soon. I need to be sure that I know what I am backing up, thinking, voting for. 2 weeks of serious study coming up!

speaking of votes, I am intrigued by the decision to 'go wet or stay dry' in Blount and other counties. that woudk be some good writing, me thinks.

this year, 2008 marks twenty year anniversary of Night Train's, and my, first real public performance on a stage with fans and an actual band. I wont try to collect my memories from that one. just keep a close eye on in he coming weeks. you may start with a "Matt Smith guitar hero" search. you wont regret it.

I have been (re)discovering the art of Jeff Beck. this man was and remains a visionary. he the dude doesnt use a pick!!! I would never have guessed by istenign to him, and I call myself listenign to him a lot. my homeboy Lee el Brocko told me so as we gathered the other day and did our fellowship thang. btw, if you know el Brocko, please let him know he needs Farnsworth--and Farnsworth needs him!

I return to Master Cheng in the morning, to complete this season of tai chi and kung fu. I will feel good after this. I will use it, I hope, to springboard my new fitness routine getting ready for a good, healthy fall, new leaf, and perhaps...a new uniform?

well yes, ths is some serious stream of conciousness writing, right here, I say! if you have stuck wiht me thus far, then you get a treat. a new promise that I will not write again (here) unless I have a direct, pithy, vitally prolific topic. I would welcome suggestions.

and, I may just have yet another title for this or some other blog. stay tuned for the grand revelation. a lot going through this mind. pennant baseball will often do that to you. Red Sox baseball will always do it to me!

the Lord bless you and keep you. the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. the Lord lift up his continence upon you, and give you peace.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Coming Soon...Scattered Thoughts

hello faithful readers, writers, visionaries, and revolutionaries

as per my recent covenant, I wanted to give an entry--a quick one--today and say hi to my vast scores of readers. hi! (so old and cliched a joke, I know. my father would be proud!)

today, I am just going to state my goals for blog topics. those coming soon...

evangelical: biblical, or political? who knows the difference? answer: most people claiming to be 'evangelical' do not. Bill Marhe has no idea. I will do my best to enlighten. once I find out.


when did it become completely unacceptable to think differently, offer a voice of decent, and when did people nation-wide automatically know that if one professes to be a Christian that they no longer use profanity, cannot believe in ghosts, are war-mongers, want to burn textbooks that teach the theory of evolution (personally, I am fine with a wide variety of theories), will not listen to AC/DC, are militant homophobes, and all the other idiotic prejudged false truths?


Rick and Bubba, James Dobson, Sarah Palin, and hundreds of thousands and it seems most Alabamians do not represent the beliefs of every Christian, and in my opinion, they do not represent most, outside of the fundamentalist south and scattered other areas of the world. a Christian cn actually be something other than a NASCAR fan or a Republican. not that both NASCAR fans or Republicans cant be wonderful folks. I know many that are just that--wonderful folks.


just as Barack Obama is not the anti-Christ, Nick Saban is not the second coming of Christ. he just represents an opportunity for success, excellence, and a tradition of honor that just may be sent from the Divine. (true I have no idea how to spell Obama's name, correctly)


I am working on finishing the album of our old band, Shere Khan aka The Shere Khan Band, aka Sh*t Can, aka SK...and I have decided to create a new, fully armed and operational solo album!!!


some general frustrations with people that throw their cigarettes anywhere they please,
and those that will not move from the fast lane when giving the time-honored request to pass. often these people are one in the same. and often, they receive the time-honored symbol of disapproval!


jazz, particularly Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bill Evans and many, many of the cats from that era (the Golden Age?) can be, at the right time, nothing short of sublime bliss.



...there's a lot on my mind.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A, Rather My, New Covenant

Bonjour dear reader,

to the millions, possibly trillions, maybe even googol of readers out there, I, upon the urging of a true friend and fellow artist (pickin', grinnin', bloggin', thinkin'), have decided to challenge myself. Hereby be it known to all mens and w0men-folk that: whereas, the truth is out there and whereas, people need the truth and whereas, I have something to say:

I will be doing my level darndest to keep an entry coming to this blog, and/or The Gospel in Baileyton every week. Keeping in mind, I live in a beautiful, little, rural, farm-land town in Cullman County--yes, home to the Baileyton Good Time Drag Strip! MA and I love living there, though the only drawback I can find (other than one noisy neighbor family and a few snakeskins here and there) is the painful lack of broadband internet. The is hope; there is always hope.

We can get the internets. We have the technology.

A blog topic in its own right is the injustice that there are places that have access to all the online and downlaodable information in all the world--to include places like Kenya, Thailand, and even areas of Siberia, I'd guestimate--and yet, some places that are denied the ability to connect to this world wide web. The selection of who gets hi-speed, broadband internets and who doesnt is based solely on profit. As is most everything. Right and wrong, justice or no, has little bearing. And I am willing to pay my [ridiculous] price for this service! We are denied dsl, cable, and other commonly available internet platforms because there arent enough others to make it financially sound for "Big Internets"--yes, AT&T, Charter and all the rest. This makes me mad. Yes, mad like a goat!

Though with the spirit sound of We Shall Overcome and other shouts of righteousness, justice and hope ringing in my crown, I still commit to posting with prunish regularity! You may get a silly, short, disjointed piece such as this. Or, you may just stumble across some variant reading, or 'Varia Lecto' as we...I like to call it. It may give you that moment of clarity. It may point you in the direction of the Divine. It may spark your determination to help call upon the power of the people to abolish--once and for all--interleague play. It may do all these things and more. It may make you mad as a goat!

And so, more and more, I'll get back to you!
MMS, Esquire